Diamond Heart Kundalini Mentorship

A Journey To The Core of Your Being with Jody Deane & Katie Holland

Attention:  Lightworkers, Starseeds, Heart-led Leaders, Conscious CEO's, Awakened Entrepreneurs, New Earth Visionaries, Soul-centred Coaches & Consultants, and Consciousness-inspired Mavericks!

                Are you ready to step into your Kundalini power and embody FLOW at the HIGHEST LEVEL?

                Are you fed up of the MATRIX-style social programming that engenders separateness and disempowers the human being?

                Then you, dear friend, are in the RIGHT PLACE.

                This is a very special invitation to be mentored and expertly guided in the awakening of the Kundalini life force energy. If you would like to exponentially accelerate the evolution of your consciousness then keep reading…

                By deeply activating the serpent-like energy of DIVINE LIGHT and ETERNAL FLOW that is embodied through your human form as LIVING LOVE you will initiate the taking of a giant leap on your personal ascension journey that will catapult your life into instantaneous healing, purpose fulfilment and the experiencing of profound miracles as daily occurrences.

                This awakened kundalini represents both an activation of your infinite potential as a human being on the earth at this pivotal time and the accessing of the most extraordinary levels of soul empowerment and ecstatic, energy mastery.

                Yet, to fully spread our wings and soar high above the clouds we must also first plumb the depths of our being and embrace the shadows that lie therein. 

                We have to address the reasons why we are not already dancing in the divine nectar of cosmic consciousness: reasons like the dearth of unprocessed ancestral trauma, cultural & religious conditioning, mind-control and enslavement programming that has been perpetrated deep into our subconscious realities. 

                Only by courageously recognising these inhibiting obstructions for what they are can we begin to accept their existence and commence the work of transforming & removing them whilst moving ourselves from darkness to light, and therefore learning to stand in our mastery and sovereignty as christed beings. 

                The Diamond Heart mentorship journey is a self-contained, live, online program over 6 months that requires no prior knowledge. You will benefit greatly whether you are new to the spiritual path or an experienced seeker who has been on the path your whole life.

                This is for both experienced seekers and those new to the spiritual path. There is no separation or hierarchy in this regard. 

                Within this container there will be a deep sharing of direct experience, effective strategies and spiritual practices that truly work to open you to the highest frequency Holy Flow and enable you to ground it in to your everyday life and reality.

                But this is absolutely NOT your typical, watered-down ‘Spirituality Lite’ supermarket product-style offering: fluffy, instant, factory produced & diluted for mass consumption.

                Quite to the contrary! What this IS in fact, is a ‘no holes barred’ deep dive program that breaks free from the illusions of false matrix spirituality, dark intergenerational control patterns and fake ‘fix it quick’ non-solutions that keep you small, dumbed down and parasited upon by energy vampires & astral entities.

                Not only are we going to be blowing the lid off all the lies, mind control programs & psyops that target earnest spiritual seekers, starseeds & lightworkers, but we will be actively reversing and uncreating these implants and inversions on a consciousness level.

                Goodbye slavery, hello self-sovereign, multidimensional mastery and walking your unlimited path of empowered kundalini Flow, brave self-expression and true life fulfillment!

                Through this unique mentorship we come together in an intentional global community that is at once heart-centered, soul-directed, supportive, daring & unafraid to live the deepest truth far beyond prescribed narratives and limiting stories of what and who we really ARE as infinite beings.

                There are limited places and enrollment is by application only. Applications are now open and will close very soon (within a few days time). 

                If you are ready to take your life to a whole new level, then we invite you to apply!


                Within this profoundly transformational six month mentorship, Jody will impart two thirds of the sessions, and Katie the other third.

                About the Facilitators

                My name is Jody Deane and I am a Purpose Alignment Coach, Channel, Healer, and a Spiritual  Awakening & Ascension Guide. Since I was a child I have been fascinated with self discovery, metaphysical energy and healing. I started reading books on spirituality when I was 11 years old. At fifteen I experienced oneness on a mushroom journey and at 24 had an ego death and expansion into unity consciousness. 

                Due to a multitude of awakening and contact experiences from early on in my life, I became aware that the planet is going through an unprecedented shift in consciousness to a higher frequency.

                This process, known as the ascension is now accelerating. I understand this to be the birth of the what is known as the New Earth. The very fabric of reality is changing and wonderful things are becoming possible.

                However, like most births there is often great pain and suffering. I believe this is what is happening right now. It is a tremendous opportunity for growth and transformation.

                And a new kind of leader is required to assist with this transition of society into a heart-based consciousness, rooted in oneness and respect for all life.

                If you are reading this far, then you are one likely to be one of these leaders. Thank you for showing up at this critical juncture for humanity!

                Your medicine is so necessary right now but there is much work to be done as the veil of forgetfulness is still strong, keeping you trapped in the box of the five senses and making you want to stay within your comfort zones.

                However we both know that the mastery and expansion that you seek lies beyond your self-imposed limitations and the cage of the familiar. It's time to SHINE, and to DARE to be YOU in the bravest way possible.

                I am here to guide you into your fullest FLOW, so that you can LEAD & RADIATE at the highest level imaginable.

                This is an invitation to bloom...and to live in your HIGHEST, most SOURCE-CONNECTED expression & guidance.

                More about Jody:

                Jody has been on a spiritual awakening journey since his childhood.

                At the age of 11, Jody got interested in metaphysics, healing and spirituality. Later on he looked for the connection between creativity and consciousness which he now embodies in much of his work. 

                This led him on a quest of self-discovery which brought him to experiment with psychedelics, dance and mind, body spirit medicine as a teenager. 

                He trained in Shiatsu (Japanese acupressure) and took experiential studies in creative arts psychotherapy before traveling to India and beyond in his early twenties to learn from exceptional teachers, mentors and guides.

                He spent time at the Osho commune international in Pune where he learnt the importance of subtle energy, meditation and awareness practises, and ultimately a deep reverence for the mystic traditions of the heart. Due to beginning a practise in tantric yoga at 17 and his subsequent meetings with self-realised spiritual teachers Jody began to experience profound consciousness awakening during his twenties. These would be best described as akin to the ego identity dissolving and merging with absolute existence.

                Never one to escape a good challenge, in tandem with his soul-directed pursuits Jody obtained a bachelors degree in Creative Arts from Bath Spa University, and then moved his home base from the Bristol, England to Barcelona, Spain where he undertook physical theatre training, worked as an actor, then in language-learning publishing and business development. He later trained in spiritual coaching, as well as learning Seiki soho energy healing from its originator, Akinobu Kishi, and also rebirthing breathwork from Leonard Orr, the founder of the technique. 

                Around this time Jody trained as an Aum Meditation instructor at the Humaniversity in the Netherlands, which was set up by Veeresh (Denny Yuson Sanchez), a long time disciple of Osho, the twentieth century mystic. Then in Barcelona he led weekly sessions of this radical, social meditation experience, a powerful journey deep into the core of who you are. He was invited to collaborate with tantra teacher Xavi Domenech to create workshops as well as cocreating a successful tantric celebration retreat with Astiko Lopez.

                It was around this time that Jody had a spontaneous induction experience during a rebirthing session whilst in water. He was instantly transported to a timeless, galactic understanding of his identity connected with star family races. He was bestowed with the experience of knowing himself as one with all creation and infinite love itself. This event activated an understanding within him which he is still integrating today, and which transformed his energy healing work and so the Vortex Alignment modality was born: the unique intuitive approach that he practices today.

                However, inspired by the emergence of web 2.0 and social media, a desire to engage with the world without borders led Jody to co-found and grow a local events-based startup through guerilla-style social media marketing, and additionally to learn digital communication and offer consultancy to businesses. This enabled Jody to understand commerce, networks and entrepreneurship in a more relatable way. 

                The experience informs how he sees the world today, and is a reason he became interested in systems such as blockchain technology due to the greater levels of transparency and democratisation offered.

                Jody left Spain at 34 and after spending time in the USA, found himself In Southern India at the feet of the female spiritual teacher, Ammachi. For him she embodies the divine mother/sacred feminine archetype. With her presence in his life he experienced several giant leaps in his consciousness and understanding. 

                As a true "advaitan"/non-duality self-realised master, and for him an ultimate example of universal motherhood embodied in a single human life, Jody found his time living in the ashram & spiritual community and imbibing the path of devotion and selfless service to be a game-changer in informing how he now experiences reality.

                After an extended period of deep inner work and blissful expansion Jody returned to England, and decided to commit to a path of professional acting. This entailed a deep-dive into a body and voice-based conservatoire actor training at a London drama school, and proved to be another important and powerful initiation in his psycho-spiritual work.

                After graduating Jody ended four rather challenging years in the acting industry by having a much needed breakthrough. By happenstance he discovered inspirational speaking as his new gateway drug back into serving as a coach and healer. 

                Once Jody re-discovered this path he found his intuitive abilities accelerated substantially. He was suddenly seeing client's other lives, as the veil of time lifted and he began to experience his perception shifting between different simultaneous realities, and bring heightened presence and healing to blockages and fragmented parts of the self.

                A full multidimensional sensory awakening ensued, which resulted in Jody opening to channel and receive clear information downloads from the non-physical that he now shares with clients and within his programs. Jody naturally began to connect with and channel his previously encountered and aforementioned star family, a collective consciousness known as the Sirian Council of Light.

                He now works with these and other higher intelligences aligned with the One consciousness love-light, including angelic frequencies, as his guides and sources within the 1-on-1 coaching and healing sessions, his online group programs, as well as within in-person workshops and retreats.

                Jody is currently writing a book about how to connect with Source consciousness, let go of resistance and embody oneness. The work includes a recounting of his spiritual awakening journey as context to better understand one's own soul emergence path into remembrance of who we really are.

                Join us on this journey of radical awakening- the Diamond Heart Kundalini Mentorship.

                Places are limited. For more information and to apply, please book a quick 'Resonance' call with me below.

                Katie Holland

                'All Movement is Divine when the Heart is Danced Awake'

                The beautiful Katie Holland is the creator of Awakened Bellydance.

                This gift is the intuitive synthesis and integration of her ongoing studies and interdimensional life experiences.

                Following several spontaneous kundalini and spiritual initiations beginning at age seven, led Katie to make a conscious commitment aged twelve to dance her way to self-remembering.

                Living her truth and focusing on a deeply authentic connection to self, others and the multiverse. 

                Through sacred dances wisdom awakened her to previously unknown insights and intuitions as she surrendered to eons of human and star lineage.

                Her commitment has led her to self-inquiry and to journey into the innermost workings of herself. Recognizing as she transformed her own shadow she was truly able to shine - literally transforming her dance and life from the inside out!

                Dancing from the age of three, Katie began her bellydance training in 1994. Performing with Hossam and Serena Ramzy, Cheb I Sabbah, Saleh Heby and Amani of Lebanon and more. Since 2006 she has lived and worked in India, Bali, Bulgaria and is currently living in Egypt on the path of the blue lotus. She has performed for Bollywood celebrities and high society, whilst studying with Masters of Sacred cultural dances, Tantra, Shamanism and Energy healing techniques.

                A renowned and highly sought after professional dancer across the world, with a passionate pursuit in dance for healing and spiritual development, combines perfectly with her extensive experience as an Inner Dance Facilitator/Trainer, Access Consciousness Facilitator/Trainer, Reiki Master/Teacher, Yoga teacher and Energy Whisperer.

                Her naturally intuitive ability to hold space is testament to her commitment and a wealth of experience facilitating dance and energy based workshops globally.

                Katie's pioneering methods of teaching and performing have evolved to fuse many different forms of movement and energy work.

                Her aim? To enthuse, empower, cultivate and share this inspirational, magical energy to all she meets.

                Katie is also a PADI mermaid instructor and teaches certified mermaid courses. 

                She is the creator of Shakti Pants - Sacred Clothing and Jewellery, as well as the founder and organiser of Sirius Retreats, Trainings and Adventures - Sacred Dance and Yoga Retreats. 

                To date Katie's dance and therapy experience encompasses:

                Middle Eastern dance


                Bharatnatyam – classical Indian dance

                Nepalese Buddhist Tantric dances

                Gurdjieff Sacred dances

                Sufi Whirling

                Osho dynamic meditation

                Shamanic bellydance


                Balinese dance

                Facilitator trainer of:

                Awakened Bellydance

                Inner dance

                Access Bars

                Access Energetic Facelift 

                Reiki (Master/Teacher - 

                Usui and Tera Mai-Seichem traditions)


                Blue Lotus Ceremonies

                Katie is a Certified Practitioner of:

                Inner dance

                Access Bars

                Access Energetic Facelift & Body Processes


                Yoga and Pranayama (Breath work)


                Light Energy Weave

                Laughter Yoga

                Aromatherapy massage

                Indian head massage

                No-hands massage

                Baby massage

                Certificate in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Crystal Healing.

                Introduction to Transactional Analysis.

                Katie completed a month long Internship in deep ecology, permaculture, conscious community and natural building techniques at Gaia Ashram, Thailand, 2015


                Learn More


                What people are saying about working with Jody...

                "My time working with Jody has been very very beneficial. He has a great gift for connecting to a persons higher / expanded self, from where clear reflection, guidance, insight and inspiration can flow.

                ... I could feel the words resonate and land, opening up new possibilities and pathways within, as I received advice which is proving to be very useful and accurate.

                I can highly recommend his services without hesitation."

                Dickon Walker

                             Founder, Blissful Spirits Ltd

                "Life changing...

                The process took away a limiting belief which I didn't realise was blocking me, basically shining a light on a blind spot. 

                This insight I gained (when the student is ready to hear the teacher appears), is a life changing shift. It has polished my already shining North Star so now it shines SO SO brightly. I feel now even lighter and happier.

                Jody Deane is exceptionally gifted in channelling from his guides. You feel safe with him and in good hands.

                He is a bright ray of light. An 'off the charts' wow!"

                Deborah Mendes

                Nature-inspired business mentor

                "Jody has been an instrumental part of my growth in recent months. I was attracted to his way of speaking online and finally, my curiosity led me to hop on a call with him. From the first moment, he made me feel safe, supported, and helped me see the light and magnificence I have within me, which was (is) not always easy to see. I committed to uplevel my life in 2021 with Jody by my side. Since working together I feel like I have raised my consciousness - becoming aware of thought and behaviour patterns that no longer serve me. He very gently helps me to see things that feel very uncomfortable in a supportive and loving way. Seeking truth and empowering me to begin the process of breaking these patterns. I have started to feel into my real soul purpose - something that I could never tap into. I feel that clarity is coming to me. What I appreciate on top of our sessions is the accountabilty he keeps throughout the week. He keeps you accountable and supports you along the way so that you continue to ascend into your life mastery. Thank you Jody for giving me the opportunity to work together."

                Hannah Cremona

                             Business Coach

                "A few months back I thought I'd book a coaching session with Jody for support with my sense of service I give to the world, and now I'm a regular client! I'm really enjoying an exciting time of transformation and strengthening happening with my self and work and I feel Jody has been instrumental in catalysing and supporting this. I feel him on cue with my core dreams and visions throughout, and I'm beginning to think there are no limits to this road with him."

                Maria Barnicoat

                Founder, Kali-Ma

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